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Beauty Of Seven Marine National Parks In Indonesia: Good Places For Your Vacation

Marine National Parks

Are you seeking for good vacation spots to escape your stressful daily life? Going to marine national parks in Indonesia can be the best step to choose. These destination will surely help you ease your body and mind.

The description of each marine national park are explained on the following list:

  • KepulauanTogean National Park: this national park is situated in Togean Island, Tomini Bay, in Central Sulawesi. The national park was established in 2004. Administratively, the area is under TojoUna-una Regency. It is widely known for its rich and beautiful coral reefs and various protected and scarce marine creatures. Some of tourist attractions offered are diving, snorkeling, fishing, and exploring the jungle.
  • Wakatobi National Park: this national park is located in Southeast Sulawesi of Indonesia. Its name is a combination of four major Tukangbesi Islands’ name: Wangi-wangi Island, Kaledupa Island, Tomia Island, and Binongko Island. This national park is a part of tentative World Heritage Site since 2005. It was first established in 2002 by Indonesia’s Ministry of Forestry.
  • Karimunjawa National Park: this national park is located in the archipelago of Karimun Java, eighty kilometer at northwest from Jepara Regency in Central Java. It was first established in 2001 as Marine Protection Area. According to famous local myth, the archipelago was founded by Sunan Kudus’ nephew, named SunanNyamplungan. Sunan Kudus was a member of WaliSanga.
  • Taka Bonerate National Park: this marine park includes the atoll island of Takabonerate which situated in Flores Sea, in the south of Sulawesi Island in Indonesia. The marine area surrounding the atoll islands and the atoll islands were given protection status of national park in 1992. UNESCO included this national park as a part of World Network of Biosphere Reserves in 2015.
  • KepulauanSeribu: this national park (literally translated as Thousand Islands) are a sequence of islands that lies from Jakarta’s coast to the north. This place become the only Jakarta’s regency and has 108 islands sequences. According to a decree, only 36 islands are available for recreation and only 13 of them are developed fully, with 11 as resorts center and 2 others become historic parks.
  • Bunaken National Park: this marine national park is located at the north from Sulawesi Island in Indonesia. It is situated around the middle of Coral Triangle, offering habitat for more than 390 coral species and other creatures, such as marine mammal, fish, mollusk, and reptile species. It also represents the ecosystem of tropical water, consisting of coastal ecosystems, seagrass plain, and coral reef.
  • TelukCendrawasih National Park: this national park is claimed to be Indonesia’s biggest marine national park. Situated in the south-east area of Bird’s Head Peninsula, in Cendrawasih Bay to be exact, this national park was first established in 2002. The national park includes Yoop Island, Mioswaar Island, Rumberpon Island, Nusrowi Island, and Roon Island. It is also considered as a possible World Heritage Site.

The paragraph above already explains about the beauty of seven marine national parks in Indonesia. If you only limited time, visiting the nearest one should be a good decision.

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