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How To Make Your Own Lotion At Home

Lotion At Home

As the cold winter months approach, skin can dry out or become flaky and itchy. Lips can become chapped in the chilly weather, and fingertips can dry and crack from exposure to the elements. Store bought lotions in lotion bar containers can help, but many contain unknown chemicals or heavy dyes and additives. Plus, specialty lotions can be expensive to buy and hard to find. Making your own lotion at home can be surprisingly easy, and is an all-natural, affordable way to moisturize and hydrate your skin. 

Making your own lotion also means that you can customize your lotion to your specific skin type, whether your skin is dry, oily, or somewhere in between. You can also tailor the lotion to include your favorite scents.

The Basics

The basic recipe for homemade body lotion is incredibly simple, with just a few primary components. The main ingredients of body lotion are oil, wax, and water. You can use whatever kind of oil you prefer – some options include coconut oil, olive oil or grapeseed oil. Soy wax and beeswax are the most popular wax choices, though other types of waxes will also work. Keep in mind any allergies to nuts or soy that you or your friends and family may have when choosing your ingredients.

You can use almost any kind of water, though many people prefer to use distilled water, rain water or well water. You can also use water infused with aloe or chamomile tea.

If you like, you can also use essential oils, like lavender or cedarwood, for their scent and healing properties. You can also add cocoa or shea butter to give your lotion a creamy consistency. If you plan on making several batches of lotion, you may want to have purchase bulk lotion containers as well.

Mixing Up Magic

To create your lotion, combine half a cup of oil with two tablespoons of wax in a microwave-safe container. Heat the mixture until all of the ingredients have completely melted together. You can also heat your ingredients in a saucepan on the stove. Slowly, pour water into the mixture, stirring constantly with a whisk or fork until the components are fully blended.

At this point, you can add several drops of your preferred essential oils and stir well. Be careful when stirring that hot wax and oil do not splash you. Then, set your lotion aside to cool down. During this time, it will thicken into a buttery consistency.

Once your lotion has set and cooled, you can pour it into lotion bar containers for easy access. Then, simply moisturize and enjoy soft, healthy skin!

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